Dr Rodney Allan


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Dr Rodney Allan


Home > Our practice > Dr Rodney Allan > Education & qualifications

Education & qualifications


  • BSc(Med) MB BS (Hons)

Dr Allan completed his medical degree at the University of New South Wales, in Kensington, Sydney, Australia. Clinical training was centred at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, with terms at various other facilities.

Dr Allan’s undergraduate training was complemented by an overseas elective in Neurosurgery at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under the direction of Professor Teasdale, the co-inventor of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), as well as an elective in Trauma Surgery at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, South Africa.

His undergraduate education was at the University of New South Wales, with electives in Neurosurgery at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow and Trauma Surgery at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto. Dr Allan obtained his medical degree in 1994 and then completed his basic surgical training at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, with exposure to a broad range of medical and surgical specialties.


  • FRACS (Neurosurgery)

After graduation from medical school, Dr Allan completed his internship and residency at Royal North Shore Hospital with additional terms at surrounding hospitals and exposure to a wide range of surgical and medical specialties. Experience in intensive care and emergency medicine complemented a broad general medical education.

Following this, Dr Allan began training in neurosurgery. This involved rotations to a wide variety of hospitals, including a year in Auckland, and two years at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, where he was invited to return as a consultant neurosurgeon.

Training in neurosurgery is the longest of any surgical specialty; besides the technical aspects of performing surgery on the delicate structures of the brain and spine, an enormous amount of theoretical knowledge is required and great emphasis is placed upon management of the patient before, and after, a surgical procedure.

Dr Allan developed a keen interest in cerebrovascular surgery during his training, and elective time in non-invasive vascular imaging and skull base surgery was also incorporated.

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  • Education & qualifications

Education & qualifications


  • BSc(Med) MB BS (Hons)

Dr Allan completed his medical degree at the University of New South Wales, in Kensington, Sydney, Australia. Clinical training was centred at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, with terms at various other facilities.

Dr Allan’s undergraduate training was complemented by an overseas elective in Neurosurgery at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under the direction of Professor Teasdale, the co-inventor of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), as well as an elective in Trauma Surgery at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, South Africa.

His undergraduate education was at the University of New South Wales, with electives in Neurosurgery at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow and Trauma Surgery at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto. Dr Allan obtained his medical degree in 1994 and then completed his basic surgical training at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, with exposure to a broad range of medical and surgical specialties.


  • FRACS (Neurosurgery)

After graduation from medical school, Dr Allan completed his internship and residency at Royal North Shore Hospital with additional terms at surrounding hospitals and exposure to a wide range of surgical and medical specialties. Experience in intensive care and emergency medicine complemented a broad general medical education.

Following this, Dr Allan began training in neurosurgery. This involved rotations to a wide variety of hospitals, including a year in Auckland, and two years at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, where he was invited to return as a consultant neurosurgeon.

Training in neurosurgery is the longest of any surgical specialty; besides the technical aspects of performing surgery on the delicate structures of the brain and spine, an enormous amount of theoretical knowledge is required and great emphasis is placed upon management of the patient before, and after, a surgical procedure.

Dr Allan developed a keen interest in cerebrovascular surgery during his training, and elective time in non-invasive vascular imaging and skull base surgery was also incorporated.

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  • Education & qualifications